If you are looking to start or reorganize your craft room then check out these 5 Essential Craft Room Organization Must Haves. We’ve broken it down by category to give you examples of each.
When we started our craft room, we made this list to get us going and thought you could use it to. Would you like a copy of our checklist for you to use?
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Peg Board Systems
Peg boards are perhaps the crafters most versatile organization tool. You can find many ways to customize your peg board and suit it to your needs even paint it your favorite color!
Depending on your style you can choose a metal peg board and Accessories
Metal has become popular for using magnets as well!
or Standard Pegboard with accessories
this Darice Systems unfinished wood peg board, or this cute circular peg board .
Once you have your peg board up add the cutest accessories to hold your tools in like:
Chalk Buckets -
Linen Storage -
Linen Storage Bags -
Desk options
A desk is perhaps the most essential craft room item. Without a desk where would you make your crafts?
If you are looking to save space but have a large work area there is this corner desk
If you would like extra storage without them taking up too much room here is this desk with shelving built in.
Three Tier Cart
My favorite craft room organization tool is the three tier cart . These little buggies can hold many supplies and can be pushed around the room to make it and convenient to craft anywhere.
The cart comes with accessories and magnets for more storage and organization.
Paper Organizers
As Cricut crafters we have to keep all our paper neat and tidy and safe! If you are just starting your craft room we recommend starting with a small paper organizer.
Scrapbook Paper Rack Tower 30 Slots for 12 x 12 Paper
Stamp-n-Storage for Ikea Kalax holds 12×12 paper
Once you start building your collection of paper plastic drawers to keep your paper safe from pets, kids, or water damage.
You can also use a label maker to help stay organized or even use your Cricut to make vinyl labels.
StampnStorage also contains many high quality wooden containers for your Craft Room Organization.
If you find you are still in the need for more storage space for your craft room you can always find shelving!
We like cube shelving because it is easy to customize with cube inserts like a cross divider, drawers, or the classic bins . Just make sure to check the dimensions of the inserts to see if it will fit in your cubes!
Cubes -
Cross Dividers -
Drawers -
Find more ways to customize your cube shelves here!
If you find you have no floor space use these floating shelves. Floating shelves can be useful in adding storage space for light items and can brighten up the room by showing off your crafts!
Here’s a BIG BONUS you will definitely need to keep it all powered up!
These were our ideas – what are your favorites or recommendations?
If you want more ideas, you can join our Facebook Group Craft Room Organization and share your crafts at Craft Room Time.
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