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Just how do you go about designing and organizing your perfect craft room?

What steps are involved? Where to shop for organizing? What things need to be considered?

It can be overwhelming.

In this Craft Room Design and Organization series, I will be going through every step and sharing with you checklists, supply lists, videos, shopping lists, and so much more! The ultimate Craft Room Design starts off the series followed by Craft Room Organization Ideas. I will share with you each step of setting up a craft room as I start in on my own in our new home.

What’s covered in the Series

Everything from painting, layout, storage, organization, choices, tools used, mistakes made and final outcomes. I am an ultimate DIYer and I’m not afraid to take on this challenge and set up my craft room exactly how I want it. To me it is important that I have everything I need when I start crafting so I take the time to make lists and I organize my areas in stations. That makes crafting much easier and cleanup a breeze!

If you are like me, I love to do every type of craft out there. I see a new idea and I jump on it! I get the supplies, take the lessons and create things for me, family and friends. In fact, since all my children are grown, we mostly take time to create our gifts now! It is so much more personal and fun. We also have a tradition with the grand kids that every Thanksgiving I get all the supplies for all of us to make a craft that every age can do! This last Christmas we made Popsicle ornaments and last year we made bean bag gnomes!  So much fun!

What types of Crafts will be included

Since we just moved, I have to tell you that I’m not at all organized right at the moment so it is the perfect opportunity to take you on my journey of getting it all put back together. I do so many crafts that hopefully you will get ideas for your space. Everything from painting, knitting, crocheting, sewing, jewelry making, paper crafting, scrapbooking, miniatures, felting, and more. See I told you it was a lot! I can’t wait to share all those things with you as well!

Right now I am concentrating on doing crafts to decorate our new home. So it is important that I get organized so I can get to crafting! I will be sharing each and every one of those crafts with you so I hope you will take the time to sign up to receive each and every one!

Will there be FREEBIES – Of Course there will!

There are great Freebies I’ve created for each series for you to print out and use when you are ready to take on your craft room!  

The first in the series will begin with the basics of laying out the design for your room.  The first Freebie is The 7 Things to Consider when Designing Your Craft Room.

You can get it and all the upcoming Freebies for each post in the series by filling out the form below.. You will also receive the Password for instant access to the Resources which includes all my Freebies including Printables, Patterns, Checklists, and More!

This is what you can look forward to:

Series One: The Art of Color Theory, Color Psychology and Color Choices

Series Two: Prepping and Painting your Room

Series Three: Choosing your furniture, shelving and lighting

Series Four: Craft Room Organization and Storage Ideas

Series Five: Special consideration for Crafts that require ventilation

Series Six: Organizing your Space

Series Seven: 7 Tips to Keeping a Clean Craft Room

BONUS: Tips for Selling your Handmade Crafts

That should do it! By the end of the series you will have ideas, directions, checklists, and everything you need to get your room the way you want it. With an added bonus of learning way to sell your crafts online!

I can’t wait to see what you all think of each series and the how they will help you!

Please leave me a comment below with what your biggest challenge is with your craft room so that I can incorporate it in the series!

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