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Well it is finally happening, I am turning 50 and unlike many it seems, I am super excited.  I am celebrating for an entire week with a dear friend at an all-inclusive beach resort (my first one ever).

I felt I needed something to commemorate the occasion but am not really into the idea of wearing a t-shirt announcing my 50th . So, after much searching around I decided on a cup, or in fact, a couple of cups.  A water cup and also a wine cup (it’s my understanding that all-inclusive resorts will let you use your own glass).

After much searching, I found the cups I wanted and set about the designs.  I wanted to have the same designs on each of our cups but with a difference so we could tell them apart.  I knew I wanted to include the location and the date and, maybe a couple of other things just to make them that much more special. 

I am rather fond of turtles and since we were going to be spending a lot of time on the beach, it seemed like the perfect option. Add on a couple of snarky alcohol related quotes and I was golden!

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The design came from Cricut Design Space and can either be done in one color or as a two tone design. For the quotes, I used Muthiara font which I downloaded from dafont.com.

These aren’t items that I have personalized before so in order to get the image sizes right I cut some paper the size of the images and stuck them to the cup to see if they would work. If this project is also new to you, I would highly recommend it. “Measure twice, cut once” the saying goes in carpentry and has the same application here.

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It took some trial and error to get the correct size but that was the point of this pre-work. When I finally found the correct size, updating the files in Create Space was easy and I knew it would fit perfectly. No rework or wasted materials!

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I’m super excited about the end product and, of course, what it represents: a celebration of another year gone by; another milestone achieved; and another opportunity to spend time with people I love and respect and the fact that it will happen in a small bit of paradise makes it even better.

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I’d like to say the bigger cups are for the water but we’ll be on vacation so who am I kidding!! Either way, every time I look at these cups again in the future, I’ll remember the time I turned 50, my wonderful friend Pam, (whom I will be dragging along to celebrate with me on a beach *wink*), and while I may not be a kid anymore, it’s better than the alternative!

Go celebrate the milestones which, in some cases, is just getting out of bed in the morning. We are all worth the time and effort to take a moment and be thankful for just being alive.

Thanks and happy crafting!


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